OUR Services
Review The Revenue By Expert Consultants And Digital System
Guarantee For
Revenue Solutions?
Revenue Solutions?
We guarantee to gain your revenue losses by effective RCM system and insurance experts:
- Eligibility Checking client’s eligibility in effective and efficient manner.
- Approval Revising pre-authorization requested documents to gain approvals compliance with insurance policies and the requested services.
- Automated claim auditing (Financial) Automated claim auditing according to various contacts terms’ and insurance policies and CCHI regulations, and fixing it before submission.
- Medical claim auditing (ICD coding, documentation, and medical justification). Revising the medical documentations by expert physicians in health insurance, to clarify medical necessity of the medical services provided, and to ensure compliance with CCHI regulations and insurance policies.
- Financial Posting: Claims dispatching and online submission to NPHIES and various payers.
- Reconciliation Revising and reconcile any further rejection and pending claims.

RCM Challenges
There are several stages throughout the patient's healthcare journey that can potentially become problematic if healthcare providers don't use appropriate tools and processes.
Benefits of RCM
Without well-configured RCM processes, healthcare facilities cannot provide quality services while maintaining their financial liquidity. The following are some of the most significant benefits of using rules-based revenue cycle management tools.
Improve RCM in Healthcare
Rules-based compliance software fixes applications that may result in denied claims before they are submitted to insurance companies.
We solve your problem
To clarify medical necessity
of the medical services provided
and to ensure compliance.
of the medical services provided
and to ensure compliance.

Our Services
We guarantee to gain your revenue losses by effective RCM system and insurance experts.

Reconciliation Revising
Reconciliation Revising and reconcile any further rejection and pending claims

Medical Claim Auditing
Medical claim auditing (ICD coding, documentation, and medical justification)

Eligibility System
Eligibility checking client’s eligibility in effective and efficient manner
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